Cameron Argyle

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Cameron Argyle

Personal information
Alias: Watcher
AKA: Prince of Light, Lucifer, Illuminatus, The One Who Watches, Master of the Spark, Manfred Corringer, Devourer of Light, Devourer of Holiness, Devourer of Warmth, Shiny Bastard, Star Eater, Harbinger of the Red One, Useless Whiny Bitch Baby
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male

Occupation: Supervillain

Watcher was one of the most powerful beings in all of Tempest. Originally one of the four Princes of Magic, Watcher took it upon himself to take the role of a villain. He believed that his power alone would never be enough to protect everything, and that the only way to properly strengthen others was for them to face a seemingly insurmountable foe.

His Personal Skills is unknown.

He appears in The Tenth God, The Pride of Sheep, and some Side Stories

Personality[edit | edit source]

Watcher is an extremely self-destructive person who has been shown to do nothing but cause pain and suffering wherever he goes. Believing it his destiny to always serve as a villain, he attempts to position himself opposite great heroes to influence them to growth. He is willing to go to near any length if he believes it will drive the creation of a hero that will defeat him. There are rare occasions where he shows a glimpse of a caring heart, but those are overshadowed by the destruction, anger, and abuse he sows in his wake.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Watcher is a moderately dark skinned man who appears to be in his late teens. He has curly brown hair and dull blue eyes. He wears a business suit, dress shoes, and gloves, all in a pristine white.

Magic[edit | edit source]


System: Magic
Speed: ?
Melee: ?
Firepower: ?
Armor: ?

Spark: Lightbringer Singularity

Life[edit | edit source]

Watcher was born in ancient Mesopotamia during the earliest throes of the bronze age. The son of a scribe, he was one of the few privileged to learn the art of reading and writing. Recognized as having great potential, he was taken as the apprentice of the king's court mage, under whom he studied religion, philosophy, and magic. It was during these studies that he unlocked his Spark, which among many other functions, granted him his immortality. He served as the court mage of various kings for several hundred years after, until eventually becoming bored with his position and leaving to travel the world.

Watcher's influence became less and less with time as he willfully distanced himself from the world's affairs, until eventually he faded into the background entirely. He would still exist for those who sought him out, but he would never involve himself with anyone for too long.

Role[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]