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The following page is incomplete and is currently being worked on. The information contained in it may or may not change in the future.


Personal information
Alias: Arcturus
AKA: Nuri, Prince of Stars, Satan, Khepri, Hou Yi, Karna, Achilles, Devin West
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male

Occupation: Diplomat (retired)

Personal Skill

Personality[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Mech[edit | edit source]



Life[edit | edit source]

Arcturus was born in sub-saharan Africa on the Sphere sometime during the early bronze age. In his youth, he studied magic in Egypt before moving on to travel throughout Asia. While wandering the Asian continent, through both coincidental occurrences and his own amazing feats, Arcturus would become the inspiration for many heroes in East Asian mythology, such as Hou Yi. While inspiring the ancient Indians to take up the bow, he became the first of the Magical Princes.

Following his escapades in Asia and rise to princedom, he eventually wandered into the Aegean and went on to influence Greek and Roman mythology. Most notably, he served as at least partial inspiration for the hero Achilles, and may have been conflated with the god Hephaestus/Vulcan.

Following his time in Greece and Rome, Arcturus remained in Europe long enough to see the rise and fall of the middle ages. During this time he would become enamored with the concept of knights, and became famous for battling against "dragons", with the latter likely being fellow Favor/Magic users creating illusions to scare the common folk. Tales of dragons "breathing fire" actually originate from the fact that Arcturus killed said "dragons" using fire.

He eventually retired from life as a roaming warrior and settled down as diplomat, which he continued to do until the Sphere's eventual destruction.

Role[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]