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Stored within the Internal Dimension of the various characters in TTG, Favor (also known as mana) is a mystical substance created by strong emotions. It fuels the supernatural abilities that are common throughout the RP, as well as certain advanced technologies left behind by The Chosen People. Favor has been shown to be extremely volatile when mishandled, and this mishandling was even the cause of the Sphere's destruction.

Thus far in TTG, five different methods of manipulating Favor are known to exist. These are as follows: Mechs, Magic, magimechs, Moderation, and ancient technology.

Generating Favor[edit | edit source]

Favor is generated through a combination of one's emotional state and the emotional state of those around them, the more intense the emotions, the more Favor created. As such, the best way to store up a large amount of Favor is to be beloved or reviled by a large number of people. The sport of mech combat came into its extreme popularity because of how efficient it was for gaining Favor, as the heightened emotional states of competition and the fame brought on by success were ideal for quickly storing up a lot of Favor. And in turn it allowed showcasing success by using that Favor to participate in further competitions, creating an exponential growth.

However, this is only for accumulating a store of Favor. Favor created from this method is called static Favor, but there is also fluid Favor. Fluid Favor is even more volatile than static Favor, but much more of it can be generated in a much shorter time. As with static Favor, this is done through strong emotions, but is focused more on how one feels in the moment, rather than extended emotional states. This makes fluid Favor essentially impossible to build up for more than a very short period, as it will quickly dissipate if unused. Favor, regardless of it's specific type, originates from and is stored within one's Dreamspace. Most Favor based technology relies on absorbing small bursts of fluid Favor that are naturally given off by all people.

Some characters, such as Cameron Argyle, possess unique abilities that let them accumulate Favor through abnormal means.

Alignment[edit | edit source]

Alignment List

A key aspect of everything that uses Favor is its alignment. Alignments are intrinsically tied to a being's existence, although to what degree varies, and even those so in tune with their alignment as to be called "pure" may still exhibit traits beyond it. To become truly one with an alignment would require abandoning all else. Each alignment has its own role to play in the universe, although only a rare few find themselves directly impacted by this enigmatic cycle.

For those rare few, there is a set of rules that govern their existences, so long as they stay true to themselves: Energy will always defeat Darkness and stalemate with Light, Magic will always defeat Energy and stalemate with darkness, Light will always defeat Magic and stalemate with energy, and Darkness will always defeat Light and stalemate with Magic.

Energy[edit | edit source]

The energy alignment belongs to those who are impulsive and stubborn. They love to fight for themselves and others. Destined for glory or a glorious failure, they burn brighter and longer than anyone else. Energy is associated with concepts such as creation, fire, and leadership. It is the most powerful alignment when it comes to direct combat, and mechs are closely associated with it because of this.

Magic[edit | edit source]

The alignment of things such as water, pleasure, and insanity, magic is the alignment of life itself. Those with a magic alignment are carefree and whimsical, living in the moment and doing their best to enjoy themselves. They are ideal as problem solvers. Unsurprisingly, this alignment is tied to magic as a system as well, and the magic system's extreme versatility reflects this.

Light[edit | edit source]

The ultimate destructive force, the light alignment is filled with the obsessed, self-loathing, and spiteful. No known system is tied to Light, but any such system would most likely be built on obsession and hatred, only good for destruction.

Darkness[edit | edit source]

For those who are lonely and thoughtful, those who put others before themselves, Darkness is the alignment of loss, emptiness, and selflessness. Those who belong to this alignment are easily satisfied and prone to filling the lower rungs of society by choice. Moderation is the system associated with Darkness, making it excellent for artistic endeavors.

Imaginary[edit | edit source]

A fifth theoretical alignment exists that is a perfect balance of all of the other four. Such an alignment would always be classified as being pure. No known character has ever possessed this alignment.